Embark on a narrative expansion filled with curses, potions, and strange science. Can you lift the curse of the Haunted Keep?
1-4 Players
60 minutes
Step inside the Haunted Keep, a cursed bastion where the dead roam and unnatural monstrosities lurk at every turn. Can you find a way to remove the blight that has befallen this place? Accept a hex - one of 8 that introduce new consequences to your playthrough - and try to stay alive as you explore the Haunted Keep in search of a way to cleanse this place once and for all.
Hexed Rune Cards (2)
Minion Cards (14)
Item & Summon Cards (19)
Boss Tactic Cards (8)
Location Cards (45)
Hexed Status Effect Cards (2)
Journal Cards (3)
Deathfog Tokens (7)
Double-sided Location Boards (3)
Haunted Keep Expansion Rulebook