Make a deal with an infernal power in this narrative expansion - it’s the bargain of a lifetime!
1-4 Players
60 minutes
Aboard the prison ship headed to Fort Joy, an archdemon offers you near limitless power. Accept her offer and reap the rewards of your newfound power. But remember, nothing comes for free. Find a way to outwit Adramahlihk or pay a steep price in return - the cost of which may be worse than eternal damnation.
Contract Cards (9)
Minion Cards (8)
Item & Summon Cards (16)
Boss Tactic Cards (11)
Location Cards (32)
Demonic Status Effect Cards (4)
Demonology Skill Cards (18)
Journal Cards (13)
Nemesis Expansion Rulebook (1)
Key Tokens (3)
Curse Tokens (7)
Double-sided Location Boards (3)
Adramahlihk Miniature (1)